Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

It is time to start again.
Can you believe it?
I am ready for it.
2018 seemed to be a big year of transition for us. Moving, changing jobs, churches, even denominations!!!
So – on this note, I believe it’s time to reflect, learn and press on toward the goal of this race God has called us to.
To do this, I just wanted to pass along a few quick tools that have been huge in my life.

1.     Stick with God (obviously – right?) But I want you to know something. As I grow older, and hold onto him during whatever life has to offer, I believe he’s been curing me of things. Sometimes the weights that hold us back are beliefs that aren't necessarily the truth of God's Word. Here are some lessons learned.
2.       Follow the Bible instead of what others have taught or told you. If we believe every word we hear as truth, without searching for it on our own, then we do ourselves a disservice. We halt our growth. It’s time to dig in, read, and learn for yourself. Do Bible studies. ASK. When you ask God to show you who HE is over what you have learned – hold on, it’s an adventure to learn truth. Since I have been working on this, I will never look back to former ways.
Disclaimer: This should go for everything you hear. Don’t just believe what you hear or what ‘they’ say. Search and find out before you believe or speak. Wisdom goes a long way.
3.     Legalism in denominations. The Lord is God. Different church denominations offer different views on their take on the scripture. The point is not to judge others for non-foundational beliefs. Once again, when you start searching scripture and walking with God for yourself, you start seeing more truth and letting go of legalism in whatever form it has taken.  The important truths that should be in the denomination you are in.
4.      Jesus is Lord. God’s one and only son sent to Earth, born of a virgin, sinless, died on a cross to take on our sins, and raised back to life three days later. We serve a living God. Who came to us incarnate (in flesh) walked this earth, suffered, cried, was mistreated, tortured, misunderstood – and not believed by many that he was indeed who he said he was. Take this to realize he has walked roads we walk today and understands. Go to him.
5.     God created the earth. It’s the truth. He created the animals, vegetation, and man. Read Genesis 1-3.
6.      The eating of the fruit caused the fall of man, sin entered the world and created a need for a savior.
7.     The Bible is the inerrant word of God. Written by divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit and this scripture explains it:
8.     2 Timothy 3:16 (NLT) All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
9.     Jesus is coming back for us – and those who have claimed him as savior will be in Heaven with him for eternity.

10. Find people that inspire you, motivate you, and push you to study and move in the directions you are called.
a.     Here are a few pastors, leaders and teachers that have highly impacted my life:
b.          Beth Moore
c.      Jim Cymbala
d.     Mark Batterson
e.     Christine Cain
f.      Jo Saxton 
g.       Rachel Hollis
11. Find a mentor that knows more than you, is wiser and walks as you would want to walk with God- and walk along side her.
12.  Find a tribe of friends that lift you up, not pull you down.
13. Be friendly and outgoing in public. You never know who God is bringing across your path. Make friends outside of church and ask God for the courage to bring them to your church.
14.   Go to conferences with friends! Here are some…
a.     If Gathering – Just check out this site… it’s amazing and equips you to do life with your community.
                                               i.     https://www.ifgathering.com/if2019/
b.     Women of Faith
c.      Check out conferences with your favorite speakers

Last thing… I am currently reading ‘Girl, Wash your face’ by Rachel Hollis. I am loving it, and she is quite the motivational speaker. Check her out here. She has awesome ideas for starting off the New Year!!!

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