Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Children Go Where I Send Thee

How shall I send thee?
Well I’m gonna send thee one by one
One for the little bitty baby was born, born
born in Bethlehem. 

Tis the season

Today – we are about 20 days away from Christmas and what a ride this year has been. Hurricanes, floods, moving, selling, relocating, new job… etc. Can some of you relate?

I am learning that the older I get, God is broadening my mind and belief system (along with my faith.)

To take steps of faith, we usually have to take a risk. Generally leaving comfort or something behind. Sometimes we have to start over.

And sometimes, we realize that God is calling us to the very place we started. I am seeing that my many moves over the last decade have been to clear me of wrong thinking, and to show me new ways to walk with him. Now, he's bringing me back home.

God is big. I have always believed that. There is more to God then we know or perceive, but we have to be willing to ask Him to show us.

I did. It was somewhere between the year 2003 and 2004 that I asked God ‘Isn’t there more to you? Is this all?’ 'This' being the things I had been taught and were seeing. 'This' being people who were not exhibiting faith or love. 'This' being the fact that surely, if there is a creator that created the Earth, sun, moon, and stars shouldn’t there be more to expect? More than going to church on Sunday? More than just believing what we hear or have been taught.
Isn’t there more?

Well, he answered me. In a big way. (By the way, the answer is yes.) He took us to New York with our heads spinning so fast we didn’t know which end was up. And there, I began my journey of seeing and learning 'more.' I saw people depend on the Lord for their well being, their rent, their jobs, their needs. I also saw him deliver or answer the same people. I saw spiritual gifts used and exercised that I had previously been taught but not seen. I saw the Holy Spirit come in and make time stand still.

I saw more.

Then, just like that, he moved us again… Back to Knoxville. To bring new knowledge back with us and to bring humility to us. When you learn new things, it’s best not to try to shove it down people’s throat. (I still apologize to those we did.)

With age comes wisdom. Hopefully we have more now. It was a great season where I laughed in the office more than I ever had in my life, and God brought many blessings and opportunities to serve with our gifts and talents. And I saw more.

Then, boom, we are moved to Asheville and God opens the door for Joe to begin his career as a Worship Leader. We will always be grateful for the opportunity to grow with that church – and love those people deeply. He brought close friends that love us unconditionally - to this day. He also gave us the miracle of our son, and an amazing group of people that prayed him into existence. I saw miracles. I saw the Holy Spirit speak straight through our pastor's mom to me.  She is a model of a godly woman that is sweet, and strong in the spirit. And she could pray fight. Something we should all learn. And, I saw more.

Then, you guessed it … another move. This time to the beach. It was a great time to serve with great people. I learned so much about studying the Bible in a totally new way. A great teacher lead us in a study of Genesis that expanded my view. God started increasing my knowledge of using my spiritual gifts in new ways – especially as a stay at home mom… I learned more.

And would you believe it, after two short years…We are back in Tennessee. Still in transition mode, and reeling a bit from that hurricane.

Why am I going through all this. Well it's to say 'ask for more'. Take risks with God. There is more – so much more than you know. He takes you places to increase your knowledge of him. He brings seasoned Christians along your path to teach you more. He demonstrates love, and lets you love in ways you didn’t know existed.

This season, I want to take what I’ve learned and tell others. God gave me a verse right before we moved back. Mark 5:19b “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you."

So to begin... I simply want you to know there is more. We will never be able to grasp or comprehend who God is. Why should we? Do I want a creator that is on my playing field, or one that is more than I can imagine? 

I am going for the one who is above all we can imagine. I am going for the one who is able to do more than we can ask or think. He already has, and I'm only half way through life. (Ephesians 3:20)

So are you ready to ask for more? You'll never know where He may send you - but I say go.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I am loving your journey. Many years ago, in fact about the time you were little and at CVBC, I started seeking that something more that your are writing about. The Lord led me to 2 books. I really wish He had led me to Brooklyn but I guess He didn't think I could handle that much more. Anyway, one of the books was They Found The Secret by V. Raymond Edman and the other was Something More by Catherine Marshall. Those 2 books validated my quest. I'm much much older now and I still want more of Him. Keep going deeper...there is no bottom to God. Love you. P.S. Keep writing.
