Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Victor

Exodus 14:14
Good morning!

Since I have written the last blog – there have been a few challenges that have attacked specific parts of the armor. So I thought today would be a good day to start looking at some individual pieces.
Some of our greatest battles are in our mind. Do you ever arrive at work in a total bad mood because of what you had been thinking all morning?

Do you set up scenarios with people in your mind, where they do something you don’t like and you are telling them what you think? Do they happen to be people who rub you wrong? This can be family, coworkers, and potential co-workers, specific friends you work out with, or go to church with? The enemy has many strategies to play us against each other. Disunity is a huge detriment to the church. The longer we are mad at each other and don’t trust each other, the less we do for Christ.
I read a blog from the book of Nehemiah about using our position to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. We take stands when we see injustice, but do we cause injustice ourselves?

I think it’s easy as women to be intimidated by other women, and some voices of authority. We cave, we think of ourselves as weak. We tip toe around not to upset anybody. It’s time to claim our ground back.

We are daughters / and children of the King. We are heirs to a throne. We have the power at work within us – that very power that raised Christ from the dead. Do we tap into that power, and how do we do it?

First – I think we have to get a little mad. I am tired of letting thoughts control me, my attitude, and my emotion. That thought can be fear, anger, misunderstanding, etc. Our minds are the battle field.

Second – since I am over being controlled, I realized that Scripture is in fact alive and active. Sharper than any two edge sword. The offensive weapon in the armor we talked about last week (Ephesians 6:10-17) is the Sword of the Spirit – which is the word of God. God has given us His word, and I think we are too surrounded by circumstances and distractions to hear what He is saying. Not only that – I don’t think we believe in the power of His word.

We have the Lord God at our disposal – and we watch TV instead. I do this. I let social media take over my night – or reality TV. The way to win the battle is to know. We need to know that there is a battle every day. As we draw closer to the Lord’s return – the battle increases. If we – as Christians – are handicapped, or distracted – we do not have a divine impact on this time. Some people are ok with that. Some can live their lives going to church once a week – and then living their life as normal for the rest. There are a spare few though – that want to become what they are made to be in Christ – and it begins with knowing Him and His word.

So how do we do this?
1.       Dive deeper.
a.       Get involved with a Bible Study. I know the Lord has greatly used Bible studies by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur, Kelly Minter, Jen Hatmaker, and Jennie Allen. Find a book to read – most of these ladies I just mentioned have also written books.
b.      Find an area where you struggle and work on it. If something isn’t blessing you, put it aside and find another book.
Here are a few books that pertain to certain areas.
                                                               i.      The ‘Circle Maker by Mark Batterson is an incredible book on prayer.
                                                             ii.      ‘Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire’ by Jim Cymbala is an amazing book on Faith.
                                                            iii.       Been hurt? ‘Breakthrough prayer’ also by Jim Cymbala is an incredible healing agent.
                                                           iv.      Feeling insecure – ‘So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore is away to defeat those crippling behaviors of insecurity.

Don’t settle where you are. There is so much to learn out there. God is so big, it is impossible to grasp – but I want to hear what He is saying to me!

2.       Set aside a specific time to spend with God and pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him where you are, what you are feeling, where you fail, and where you hurt. Be open and honest with him. Just talk to Him. He’s waiting to hear from you. Pick a time where you are uninterrupted.

3.       Read His word. Bible Studies will get you into His word. But I love to read the Psalms as well.
a.       When you seek Him – He will start opening up scriptures that relate to your day, your circumstances, and your life.
b.      Write those scriptures down. I use a notecard, and record every scripture that jumps off the page – one of my favorite: Matthew 7:7 ‘Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you.”
c.       Keep a journal with you. I keep a journal and the notecards with me everywhere I go. I pray in the journal. It’s perfect to have at the Doctor’s office, dentist, long lines somewhere – or maybe a place that I get to and have some time on my hands. Stay connected to the Father.

4.       Memorize His word.
There are key scriptures that will counter act an attack. Research what those are – and memorize them.
Here are a few.

Psalm 56:3 ‘What time I am afraid I will trust in thee.’
            Psalm 34:4 ‘I prayed to the Lord and He answered me – he freed me from all my fears.
            Philippians 4:6 ‘Be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything.’
Crazy thought life:
2 Corinthians 10:5 ‘We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’
1 Corinthians 10:13 ‘No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.’
           Proverbs 15:1 ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.’

If there are more you are thinking of, google ‘scriptures about _______________________’
God gives us ways to overcome in His word.

5.       Stand on His word. If He has given you a specific word, stand on it, believe it! Why would He give it to us, if it wasn’t for us to believe in?

One of my favorite scriptures is “God’s faithful promises are our armor of protection.’ When a mind battle comes – of doubt, or worthlessness – you call out the words God has given you. Say – God’s word says I am chosen and adopted. God’s word says – that when I call to Him He will answer me and free me from my fears.

Give the battle to God. He’s our victor… How do I know?

Nehemiah 4:20 ‘Our God will fight for us.’
Exodus 14:14 ‘The Lord God will fight this battle, and you? Keep your mouth shut.’
2 Chronicles 20:15 ‘This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s…’

Go get your victory. Talk to victor.

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