Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Victor

Exodus 14:14
Good morning!

Since I have written the last blog – there have been a few challenges that have attacked specific parts of the armor. So I thought today would be a good day to start looking at some individual pieces.
Some of our greatest battles are in our mind. Do you ever arrive at work in a total bad mood because of what you had been thinking all morning?

Do you set up scenarios with people in your mind, where they do something you don’t like and you are telling them what you think? Do they happen to be people who rub you wrong? This can be family, coworkers, and potential co-workers, specific friends you work out with, or go to church with? The enemy has many strategies to play us against each other. Disunity is a huge detriment to the church. The longer we are mad at each other and don’t trust each other, the less we do for Christ.
I read a blog from the book of Nehemiah about using our position to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. We take stands when we see injustice, but do we cause injustice ourselves?

I think it’s easy as women to be intimidated by other women, and some voices of authority. We cave, we think of ourselves as weak. We tip toe around not to upset anybody. It’s time to claim our ground back.

We are daughters / and children of the King. We are heirs to a throne. We have the power at work within us – that very power that raised Christ from the dead. Do we tap into that power, and how do we do it?

First – I think we have to get a little mad. I am tired of letting thoughts control me, my attitude, and my emotion. That thought can be fear, anger, misunderstanding, etc. Our minds are the battle field.

Second – since I am over being controlled, I realized that Scripture is in fact alive and active. Sharper than any two edge sword. The offensive weapon in the armor we talked about last week (Ephesians 6:10-17) is the Sword of the Spirit – which is the word of God. God has given us His word, and I think we are too surrounded by circumstances and distractions to hear what He is saying. Not only that – I don’t think we believe in the power of His word.

We have the Lord God at our disposal – and we watch TV instead. I do this. I let social media take over my night – or reality TV. The way to win the battle is to know. We need to know that there is a battle every day. As we draw closer to the Lord’s return – the battle increases. If we – as Christians – are handicapped, or distracted – we do not have a divine impact on this time. Some people are ok with that. Some can live their lives going to church once a week – and then living their life as normal for the rest. There are a spare few though – that want to become what they are made to be in Christ – and it begins with knowing Him and His word.

So how do we do this?
1.       Dive deeper.
a.       Get involved with a Bible Study. I know the Lord has greatly used Bible studies by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur, Kelly Minter, Jen Hatmaker, and Jennie Allen. Find a book to read – most of these ladies I just mentioned have also written books.
b.      Find an area where you struggle and work on it. If something isn’t blessing you, put it aside and find another book.
Here are a few books that pertain to certain areas.
                                                               i.      The ‘Circle Maker by Mark Batterson is an incredible book on prayer.
                                                             ii.      ‘Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire’ by Jim Cymbala is an amazing book on Faith.
                                                            iii.       Been hurt? ‘Breakthrough prayer’ also by Jim Cymbala is an incredible healing agent.
                                                           iv.      Feeling insecure – ‘So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore is away to defeat those crippling behaviors of insecurity.

Don’t settle where you are. There is so much to learn out there. God is so big, it is impossible to grasp – but I want to hear what He is saying to me!

2.       Set aside a specific time to spend with God and pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him where you are, what you are feeling, where you fail, and where you hurt. Be open and honest with him. Just talk to Him. He’s waiting to hear from you. Pick a time where you are uninterrupted.

3.       Read His word. Bible Studies will get you into His word. But I love to read the Psalms as well.
a.       When you seek Him – He will start opening up scriptures that relate to your day, your circumstances, and your life.
b.      Write those scriptures down. I use a notecard, and record every scripture that jumps off the page – one of my favorite: Matthew 7:7 ‘Ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you.”
c.       Keep a journal with you. I keep a journal and the notecards with me everywhere I go. I pray in the journal. It’s perfect to have at the Doctor’s office, dentist, long lines somewhere – or maybe a place that I get to and have some time on my hands. Stay connected to the Father.

4.       Memorize His word.
There are key scriptures that will counter act an attack. Research what those are – and memorize them.
Here are a few.

Psalm 56:3 ‘What time I am afraid I will trust in thee.’
            Psalm 34:4 ‘I prayed to the Lord and He answered me – he freed me from all my fears.
            Philippians 4:6 ‘Be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything.’
Crazy thought life:
2 Corinthians 10:5 ‘We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.’
1 Corinthians 10:13 ‘No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.’
           Proverbs 15:1 ‘A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.’

If there are more you are thinking of, google ‘scriptures about _______________________’
God gives us ways to overcome in His word.

5.       Stand on His word. If He has given you a specific word, stand on it, believe it! Why would He give it to us, if it wasn’t for us to believe in?

One of my favorite scriptures is “God’s faithful promises are our armor of protection.’ When a mind battle comes – of doubt, or worthlessness – you call out the words God has given you. Say – God’s word says I am chosen and adopted. God’s word says – that when I call to Him He will answer me and free me from my fears.

Give the battle to God. He’s our victor… How do I know?

Nehemiah 4:20 ‘Our God will fight for us.’
Exodus 14:14 ‘The Lord God will fight this battle, and you? Keep your mouth shut.’
2 Chronicles 20:15 ‘This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s…’

Go get your victory. Talk to victor.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Armor

Ephesians 6:10-18

Do you ever wake up in a funk? You’re down, sorrowful, depressed – for no good reason, then little things pop into your head and you sink lower and feel like you are a nothing?

That is a run-on sentence, but I am making a point. Why do we live like this? We sink low, and then believe every thought that pops into our head. We see future our life not measuring up. We see the wrong skill set being used. We see a dark, gray, cloudy reality, that is not truth – and we remain in it.

I was feeling that way today. I started praying about it, asking about it, eating icing… and then I came upon a verse:
Romans 12:2 ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.’

I realized this is a pattern of the world, to sink low into a pit. To stay in an area where you don’t fit, and to be down and discouraged. None of that feeling has anything to do with the Lord. Today is a new day – filled with hope and expectancy.

My questions is – how did you start off the day? To be honest, my sleep pattern has been different lately, so I sleep longer, and don’t want to get up… therefore I wake up late, struggle to get ready on time, and whatever thoughts are floating around in my head stay there, and I give in to them. By the time work starts, I do my tasks, misread what people say and suddenly it’s 11:00 and I am in a huge funk.

Where did I take the wrong turn?

It’s 2-fold. We are in a battle. The longer we sit around depressed and reading Facebook, the less we do for the kingdom of God. The more we pay attention to tweets, Instagram and social media, the more we obsess over things that aren’t necessarily reality.

We have a savior waiting for us to come to Him. He is willing to intercede on our behalves – we just have to choose to go to Him and ask Him. I learned a valuable practice years ago, and I could kick myself for not keeping the habit…

  1.       Put on the full Armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18 explicitly explains the battle we are in, and what we need to do to fight. I believe if we all got up, greeted the morning with God, and asked for His help, put on His armor – then we would be ahead of the game. Choosing Him as a shield instead of our human emotion… Maybe it could look something like this: wake up – say – Good morning Lord – I am coming to you to rest in the shadow of your wings. I am asking for protection from you. Your word tells us to put on your armor, so by faith I am putting on the…
a.       The belt of truth – (wouldn’t it be better to believe who we are in God instead of the lies we tell ourselves everyday, ie. Not good enough, won’t measure up, they are better at it…)
b.      Breastplate of righteousness or body armor – (someone described this as discernment, so I prayed to discern/understand the voice of God, the will of God, the way of God.)
c.       Shoes of peace – (know his peace, and know the gospel – that is why we are saved – Jesus – and we are safe and secure under his blood and protection. Also have it on your lips to tell others about His grace.)
d.      Shield of faith (hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.)We have protection – put it on in faith and extinguish those lies and attacks coming at you. For we battle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and darkness of the air. Pray for those who attack, and against the unseen forces.
e.      Helmet of salvation (once again, we are covered head to toe by the blood of the Lamb – live under that protection with confidence!)
f.        Sword of the spirit (the Word of God.) Our weapon of defense is the word of God. Here’s how it works…
                                                               i.      Lie -‘not good enough’: Truth- Jeremiah 1:5 ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;’ 1 Corinthians 6:20 ‘For you were bought with a price.’ 
                                                             ii.      Lie: ‘God doesn’t want you / care about you’: Truth- Psalm 139:16 ’Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believeth on Him shall be saved.’
                                                            iii.      Lie – you are going to fail in the future: Truth – Jeremiah 29:13 ‘for I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper, not to harm’
                                                           iv.      Lie – God will never fulfill this promise he gave you: Truth – Joshua 21:45 ‘Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.’  Psalm 91:4b ‘His faithful promises are your armor of protection.’

2.       Believe Him - God has given you His word. It is time to act like you believe it. It is time to stand on it – and if you don’t know what it is, then it is time to get in His word.

The rest of the verse He gave me today?  ‘Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.’

Moral of the story:
If we choose to meet our day with the Lord, hide in the shelter of His wings, and put on His armor, then we will no longer conform to the pattern of this world.  At the moment our minds are renewed, we think differently. We are confident, we are assured of who we belong to. We are ready to walk toward a calling, and we hear what He has to say. Then – when we are trudging through trying to live, we can actually test and approve what His will is for us.

Doesn’t that reassure you? You are loved. You are cherished. You are bought with a price. It’s time to live with the one who paid for you J

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fall is in the air.

Joshua 1:1-9

Fall is in the air.
Do you ever wake up, and feel the crispness and know… fall is coming? It’s time for the changing of the seasons.

Sometimes you want it and sometimes you don’t. This year, I wanted summer to carry on a little longer. We are in a season we have never been in – expecting a baby. This season has come through years, and years, and years of prayer. There has been some laughter at the requirements of infertility, but a lot of this journey has been heartache. There are certain roads that leave you feeling dry and uncertain. To have a want for so long, to receive so many no’s – time seems to drag on. Then poof – an answer comes, and here we are – it’s almost mid-August and I am entering my 3rd trimester. Where the heck did time go?

As I leave the ‘honeymoon’ phase of pregnancy (2nd trimester) I am realizing more and more that time is about to change. I know that some of you seasoned moms may be chuckling at the fact that I don’t know how much it will change… J

But I realize I have had a life that God has filled with adventure. Joe and I have lived as independent adults for soon to be 15 years of marriage. We have traveled, we lived 3 incredible years in NYC, and we have seen movements of God I don’t think we would have seen had this child graced our presence before now.

Thankfully, he has allowed my heart to enjoy a lot of those times. I know when we live in anticipation of a request not answered, it is so easy to get lost in the moment and think we are living a life less than perfect because we don’t have that answer. I am now realizing that life is about to end. I am a little worried about this adjustment… I was not one of the baby sitters club members… I may have read the books, but I spent summers at camps-not babysitting. So this is a whole new world… and I’m pretty sure Joe has never changed a diaper.

So here we go, a few months left before this change. I want to enjoy it. Even if I am starting to walk like a duck.

But I am about to enter a lifelong dream. This baby boy is coming, and how I’ve longed for him. Isn’t it just like us to want something so bad, then start being a little fearful when it comes? I like to think of myself as an adventurer – but there is always a tiny bit of reservation right before the plunge. It’s the moment where we eat our words as we tell others to go out and be brave.
God crowned this year with the book of Joshua. I love that story. It’s a story of second chances. Did you realize that? It’s also the story of waiting even though you think you’ve done everything you should…

The second chance is for the Israelites. Back in the book of Numbers (chapters 13 & 14), the Israelites had arrived at the Promised Land. They sent 12 spies in to scour the land and see what awaited them. This after all, was the land promised by God. Well, when the spies returned… 10 of them were scared and 2 were brave (one which happened to be Joshua). They brought back the bounty of what could be theirs, they saw a land flowing with milk and honey – but they let the thoughts of the giants stop them in their tracks. Only 2 believed they could overtake the giants because God was on their side. Needless to say, the 10 won out, they almost stoned Joshua and Caleb for wanting to go into the Promised Land. The people decided to keep wandering the dessert instead of taking their land. By the way, Joshua was Moses’s assistant.

40 years later, they come back to same spot. It begins in Joshua 1. The movement begins with the death of Moses. In verse 2 he says to Joshua – ‘“Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them.’

Boom – 2nd chance. It is now time to enter the Promised Land. Did they take it? You bet. Can anyone guess what God told Joshua over and over? Yes – Be strong and courageous. He says it 3 times between verse 6 & 9. God had this in His hands. He knew no harm would befall them. Joshua had to trust and go. Joshua was prepared. He had been in training at the side of Moses for 40 years. In fact, the Lord was not only taking them into the Promised Land, he was giving Joshua the Land of everywhere he set foot. God was granting Joshua success. This is the other part of the deal – not only was He giving him the promise, He was giving him success. God wants you to be successful! I heard this at a conference this year. We don’t always understand the waiting, but it molds us into people of success in the Lord.

The more I find out about this walk – the more I see the purpose of attaining Christlikeness. Humility is key. Walking humbly by your Lord and learning is the way. We see it in the life of Joseph in Genesis, we see it the years in the desert with the Israelites. We even see it in our Lord. Jesus was 30 before he entered His ministry – and the years before were built with learning and knowing the scripture, and growing his craft as a carpenter.

We want to rush in and conquer. We want to assert our gifts and talents. We want to prove ourselves, our learning ability, our creativity. We want to be successful. God will let us do that – but that success comes at our own abilities, and our talent – and it will fail.

When we go it with the Lord, He opens doors no man can shut[1]. He creates a way where there seems to be no way. Nothing is impossible with Him[2]. He creates a way in the wilderness, a stream in the wasteland[3]. Shouldn’t we realize that we need to let Him build our success[4]? Let Him make the way? It is hard to wait. Believe me – I know. It is hard to stay in a place where you feel ‘least’ equipped – but I wonder if our warrior Joshua had a hard time staying at Moses side until his time came? I think we see an example of how to be. Wait on the Lord[5]. He will show you. He will open doors. He will create circumstances of unbelievable opportunity.

But here’s the kicker – make the choice to go when He opens that door… Who wants to wait around in the desert another 40 years?

I learned a lesson. I had to face surgery to walk through my baby door. This was one of my biggest fears. I kept wondering why we didn’t find out about endometriosis until years later… and I know now. I probably would not have agreed to surgery. I didn’t have a lot of symptoms, and the only way to find out was through exploratory surgery.  This scared me to death – and I had to go through years of waiting to realize God had this.

Once I had the surgery – it was a literal breeze, with a week-long recovery. And 2 weeks after surgery, I got pregnant. I realized, I had let many years of fear kept me in a desert.

Where are you right now? What doors may be opening? What is trying to keep you from walking through that door?

The season is changing. Go and get your Promised Land!

[1] Revelation 3:8
[2] Luke 1:37
[3] Isaiah 43:19
[4] Psalm 127:1
[5] Psalm 27:14