(Daniel 2:21-22) And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: 22He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.
A wise person once said that we enter new seasons periodically in our life, and she can tell when the new season begins by the scripture the Lord is providing. We theoretically are going into, in the middle of, or are leaving a season. I personally love the ideas of seasons and change – that’s of course until the ‘rubber meets the road’ and I have to change.
I have to be honest though, I almost missed the fact that I’m about to begin a new season. How do we miss the changing seasons? How do we miss what God is about to do? Or how do we wind up in the middle of something new and are completely caught off guard?
The answer, the truth of it is simple. ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.’ (Psalm 119:105)
God took me away from everything I knew and everyone I knew, and everything that had been or held familiarity in my life and put me in a city that couldn’t be more different from my life. Why would He do this – only to bring me back?
I have been pondering this for just about a year now, and realized something. In New York, I completely depended on Him. I had NO CHOICE…. Life was upside down and as different as one would think it would be relocating from Knoxville, TN to New York City. Therefore I chose to lean on God and listen to Him. He provided daily, not only providing what we needed, but provided it abundantly. He taught me abandonment to him and fulfillment through him. And above all, He taught me utter dependence on Him without thought to self and comfort. (i.e. No central heat and air, and walking every dadgum day of your life – rain or shine, snow or heat, terrorist alerts in the city, or even when I was sick. I walked… and walked and walked.)
Like I said, I had no choice. I could remain in timidity and fear, or I could walk forward boldly with the One who was guiding me and protecting me – and I did! To Him be the Glory!!!!
Then one fateful day…. We moved back to TN. To familiarity, to cars, to central heat and air – to comfort. And what happened? I didn’t need Him anymore. My friends and family are here… I have a house, not just an apartment that could be taken away at a landlord’s whim… I have a car, and can drive to lunch while it is raining – (that was a grand moment!!!)
Hence…. God, my prayer life, my Bible study time all went on the back burner, and I became ordinary.
How miserable is ordinary? At first it’s great, because you are worrying for nothing, and feel ‘secure.’ Then you start watching life go by and wondering why you are not participating in it… No big adventures to the capital of the world. No life in a world where every opportunity you can imagine is at your fingertips. Just living an ordinary life.
So that’s when God started calling me to Him again. It wasn’t a burning bush, it wasn’t a voice in the desert… It was missing what I thought was the adventure. The dream I had yearned for all of my life being again, back in NY. It was that I was missing that life.
So He started with yearning and unfulfillment. But I didn’t seek Him, I just sat around depressed a little. Then He decided to add some turmoil… bills, conflict with people I care about, even questioning my calling to where I am now. He grated me down till I was humble and at His feet saying ‘I don’t deserve this, but God please help me.’
Within a week, He had me refocused. He moved in monumental ways. He is aligning the very thing I was praying for. All of this because I came back to Him – like the prodigal son returning to the Father.
Now, He is showing me His view on life. He is bringing a new season that I could have sacrificed for the sake of comfort! I hear Him. I hear Him calling! He is revealing His word to me! (Dan 2:21b) I see that my life anywhere else in this world would be ordinary and mundane, because I wouldn’t be in His will. His will is for me to be here – now. And I know my life will be teaming with excitement.
Thank you God for bringing me back!
So my question to you is…. What is He calling you to? Don’t miss Him. He may be in that conflict, or that house payment, or that car repair. He may be in the hardship at work, or that difficult person you dread to see coming.
You want the truth of it? He is. He is in all of that. He’s just waiting for you to turn to Him and say… ‘I don’t deserve this, but help me.’ Let’s see what adventure He has in store for you.
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