Monday, August 27, 2018

Run The Race

I just heard from a dear, sweet friend that is about to head abroad to her calling. She has known her calling and has run toward that calling not looking back.  Hearing from her and seeing her zest and excitement at this new adventure has made me think.

Do I run with that kind of zeal? Do I press on?
I feel like age and life have left me a little more timid, a little more fearful and a little more cautious.

Where are the days of throwing caution to the wind and running?
I think they were before the baby and the dog.
And while I’m on this subject, should I not remember the incredible miracle that brought this baby to us the way it did?

Sorry for all of the questions – but sometimes I think we need to reevaluate our ‘zeal.’

Yes, I feel we are more zealous the younger we are. When we are leaving high school, college, vocational school, etc., we are like the stallions standing behind the gates at the Kentucky Derby; waiting for the gates to swing open to take off, bounding toward our goal.

Now, I sometimes feel a little like my puppy standing in the doorway on a rainy day, not wanting to get his feet wet. But to see his reaction once he comes back in from the rain – he’s ecstatic, running around, wiping his feet- and thankful he went.

So – where do we stand?
Somewhere in between stallion and rainy day puppy.  

I want to be the stallion – braced and ready to go. The stallion is who he is due to his training, his breaking, his thoroughbred, his build, his care, and his jockey. I think its time to realize we are bred by the ultimate ‘breeder’. We are given gifts and talents that are special and unique to each one of us. We have been raised in such a way to prepare us for every step we take. 

So why not run? Why hesitate? Why doubt? (Yes, we are human, but we have a maker that is greater, stronger and mightier than anything.) He can move mountains. His voice can shatter the cedars of Lebanon. (Psalm 29:5) Since we are discussing mountains, I’d like to point out that he has given us the ability to move mountains – with only a mustard seed of faith. (Matthew 17:20)

So am I ready to shoot out of the gate? Are you?

Let us run with perseverance the race that has been marked out for us. (Hebrews 12:1)

It’s time.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Write Your Story

Hebrews 11:8

I am having a hard time. We are making a change. Another one. After a long line of changes, God is taking us in a new direction, and it's hard.
I understand a little of what military families go through, and in a way, we are serving in a godly army.

Sometimes, you are moved to a new position. Sometimes you are moved to a new location. And you follow.

God gave me several verses over the past few years, and I have wondered what they meant. I am seeing some of the fruition of the verses, but I don't believe I'll fully understand until we are there.

Verse 1
John 17:18  'I am sending them into the world.'

This verse stopped me in my tracks and sent a wave through me. As I have stated before, I believe that when you are reading scripture, God will magnify certain verses to you, to speak to you.
We had been studying Jesus' prayer in John 17, so I decided to read through the entire prayer.

I knew in my spirit that God was up to something, and it scared me a little. Joe and I have been on many journeys, and most of them consisted of some sort of staff position in the church. The only one that didn't was our move to New York. That's the only other time that we sensed this kind of faith walk.

Some walks take you into the unknown, and all you know to do is go. Sometimes it's a specific calling to a specific ministry, other times, it's a location. It could be the calling of your career, the college you will attend, your spouse. There are many things we can be called to, and some things are obvious, This one is not.

Going back to the verse, I knew God was up to something, just not sure what. As time progressed, I received a 2nd verse.

Verse 2
John 12:26 'Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.'

So, beware when reading the book of John, or really any gospel - because when God shows you how Jesus and his disciples work, He calls us to similar work.

So, upon reading this verse, I had a feeling God was going to move us. I do want to state that God is everywhere. So don't think he's only where we are going. He is calling us to follow a specific work He is doing there. And that requires us to follow Him to a particular location.

I could site many verses about going where you don't know where you are going (look at the story of Abraham), but I believe that is not needed in this moment.

Then, Ryan Ortego preached a sermon on the burning bush. I only had the Message bible with me, and he quoted from it. So that got my attention. We were in the fostering process, so I thought God was speaking about that. The speaker said that Moses stopped to pay attention to the bush. He said in these moments when something stops us, to ask more questions. So, I began asking, seeking and knocking as Matthew 7:7 tells us. Joe was fasting and seeking, too. We were then bombarded with where in the world is God calling us.

We sought out several places - all resulting in 'No.' Not understanding, and a little exasperated with the seeking - we went to Knoxville for a family reunion. Isn't it like Gods to hit you in those moment? When you finally just give it a rest? The searching, the seeking, the crying out? Sometimes I think we get so caught up in this we forget to breath.

We were driving through the hills of Knoxville, when a spark hit me. I prayed about it and mentioned it to Joe later. He had the same spark.

I again could give many details of God answering fleeces and confirming and speaking - but I am going to let you trust that He did.

Then we knew. He's calling us back to do a work that we aren't completely sure of yet. We have some ideas, but we know this is a Go. I can tell you, this has been serious kind of a faith walk.

Why do I tell you all of this? I believe some of you are struggling with decisions and are not sure of an answer. I believe God is telling you to go and you are hesitating because all the t's are not crossed and the i's are not dotted.

I believe God is calling some of you to big things that scare you and it's hard to take the first step.
I believe God is asking you to move, or do something new and you are afraid of what people will say and think, especially when you don't have the answers they want to hear.

When God calls, Go. Yes, it's hard. Yes, people question. Yes, people discourage. Stay around those people who will encourage you and pray.

I tell you all of this because walking with God is a journey. It's an adventure and it's not about the destination - its about the call. It's about willing hearts that will Go when He asks. It's not all about you. It's about the people God is using you to reach. We only have one life to live and I want to live it going. I want to encourage others to do the same.

If you are struggling with a decision - read Joshua. Take a step, don't be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

John 17 - Jesus' Prayer
Exodus 3 - Burning Bush / Moses
Genesis 12:1-4; Hebrews 11:8 - Call of Abraham
Joshua 1-6, 10 & 24 - Story of Joshua & Israelites Taking possession of the Promised Land