Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Choose Love

Matthew 22:34-40

This has been a rollercoaster of a year in America. I almost don’t want to know any more news about anyone. TV can stir up anxiety. Elections tend to bring out the worst of people – and watching comments fly on Facebook… Words sting.
I have seen people rip people up – as have you – for disagreeing on ‘points.’ But I wonder… Do we really know what ‘points’ we stand for? I know I could use more education.
Watching all this makes me feel sad and lonely. I sat down to just get in the Word – to recover from the stress of life and God brought me back to His purpose – love.

Love covers a multitude of sins. (1 peter 4:8)

I think we feel a decline in society – a moral decline, an authoritative decline, a decline in faith of the One we had put our trust in with this country.
Due to this decline – we suddenly feel the need to bring up what we stand for –and throw insults at those who don’t agree. I have seen this in brothers and sisters in Christ – and you have too.

But how do we choose love in such circumstances? 
1.     Go back to God. Spend time in His word – asking for his truth.
a.     Arm yourself with the Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) our battles aren’t against flesh and blood – which translates – each other
b.     Ask him to change your heart
c.      What is truth? Seek it. Jesus says – I am the way the truth and the life. (john 14:6)
2.     Search out what you believe in his word. Just don’t take others words for it. (I see many arguments where people are stating words, but where is the truth?)
3.     Look at the things we can work on as individuals… in other words, we have logs in our own eyes we need to fix before we worry about specks in others. (Matthew 7:1-6)
4.     Finally – look at Jesus. How did he live? How did he treat others?

I keep thinking about love your neighbor as yourself. We have a gift as a Christian. We have Jesus. This is a gift to share. I met 3 precious children on a walk yesterday. They wanted to pet Edward and asked how old joseph was. They were sweet, kind and courteous.  They were different races from me. They were created in God’s image.
As I walked away – my heart broke for those out there who are precious creations of God. They need a savior – He came that ‘non should perish’(john 3:16.) And I realized… We are wrong. We are looking at everything wrong, we are hurling stones, we are sitting in pits like vipers waiting to strike at anything- like a hurting animal striking at the very person that could help them.

And I remembered the verse – love your neighbor as yourself. I looked that up in Matthew 22. I wanted to see the background to this statement. I read the entire chapter and observed that Jesus spent a lot of His time answering questions that were thrown at him to catch Him in a trap. He was there to save – and he was rejected by the religious leads of the time -  and his own received him not (John 1:11)

He was asked ‘What is the greatest commandment?’ here is his response:
Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

As humans – we are each uniquely designed – in the image of God. One translation of the Bible (the message) put it this way:
Genesis 1:26 God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them
        reflecting our nature

We should take care with God’s creation. We are all we have on this Earth. We won’t all agree-even in our own faith. But have compassion towards one another. Our goal isn’t to be proven right – it’s to love. How will other see his love in us – if all we throw out there is hate.

If we err – let it be on the side of love – and trust God enough to fix what we can’t. Let’s bring him back into the picture.

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Place of Peace

Romans 12:1-8

Lately, I have been looking at lives of some influential Christian women – and have wanted that kind of life. I see peace; I see movements of the Lord. Both women are living out their dream- and they are totally different lives- but they are lives lived well. I have been contemplating and wondering how to get there…

I have been asking the Lord about this and I have come to a point.  I am at a new place. Joe and I have walked many roads of training to prepare us for the next step. I have let people and circumstances control me. I have been tired and weak. I have wined – and here we are.  

A new town, a new place and a new road. I am choosing to be all of who I am and who God made me – here. I will write when I can. I will live when I can. I will express likes in the things I like and will not worry about approval. I think that’s what it adds up to.  Being who I am in God – not who someone else is, or trying to live up to other’s standards.

I have been reading an incredible devotional by Joyce Meyer called ‘The Confident Woman.’ [1] I realized that we as women try to please. We try to please people, friends, family, coworkers etc. We say yes, we hold in opinions, we try to fit a ‘mold’ that we have created of the perfect ‘church woman.’  Well, I’m over that mold. I think it’s time to be Spirit led – and to fit the mold He created for me.

You see, we all have a unique and specific mold God gave each of us. We are created with talents, with gifts with likes and dislikes that shape our uniqueness. To be that women I strive to be, I have to be the woman God created Me to be – not some other person I think I should be. The way I know to do that is do dive into my relationship with Him. He made me, He knows me, He shapes me – as He does all of you – to be His unique design. And it’s time to be me.  I think that should be the goal for all of us. We can’t do everything that seems like a ‘good’ work. We need to do the work God calls us to do. It may be raising a baby, it may be selling houses, it may be being a friend to that hurting coworker – but how will we know if we aren’t spending time with Him?

I have a challenge. Why don’t we all spend some time in prayer for our callings? I want to commit to 7 minutes a day to pray for God to show us His calling. (Now this isn’t the only amount of time to spend with him.) I encourage you to get a good devotional, a journal, a bible – (without markings – thanks for that idea Jaime Dyer) and notecards. Take time with God – write down the verses that speak to you on the notecards – keep them with you – and start living as the woman you are called to be. 

Go Be!

[1] https://www.amazon.com/Confident-Woman-Living-Boldly-Without/dp/0446558400

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Here am I, Send me.

I saw post that got my attention today. The post was a picture that had these simple words written on it:
            Our Father is looking for AVAILIABITILY.
The post was followed with a scripture God gave me years ago. Isaiah 6:8 ‘Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send Me!’

I was reminded of a devotion I read the other day. (The devotions are both by Christine Caine.[1] I recommend you check her out.) The capturing quote was: It’s so important to stay committed to growing in the gifts God has given you
The verse: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10). 

It made me stop and think. Several things occurred to me.
1.     God was calling me to get and get with Him.
2.     The words of Peter were – ‘use whatever gift you have received to serve others’.

I think we as Christians misunderstand the word ‘service’. I remember taking spiritual gifts tests and personality tests earlier in my life, and I would feel guilty about the questions on ‘service’ so I would not answer them correctly.  I think we look at service as always standing behind others, serving food, being hospitable and ‘standing in the background to help.’ We don’t realize that serving others – according to the Bible- is using the spiritual gifts you are equipped with as our means of service. Yes, there are many ways to help and that is good, and there are times where we need to help, but some of us are called to teach, to shepherd, to exhort, to administrate, to give, to help, to mercy, to hospitality…. But how do we know unless we take a spiritual gifts inventory. (I suggest going online and finding a great one like the one lifeway has… or if you go to our church, take the place ministry class.)

All of this to say… Be who you are called to be. I feel like waves of life hold us in place spinning our wheels to keep the house up, the activities up, the crazy schedules up, the serving at church up; but are you truly serving the ways He designed you to? How do you know?
The key is spending time with God – in His word, and talking to Hiim - It’s out of that relationship that the abundance flows. He meets you with grace and understanding. He gives you peace and ability to do what you need to do to complete your tasks.
But what if He happens to be calling you to something specific? A specific way to serve that doesn’t involve running around like a chicken with its head cut off? How will we hear His still small voice if we aren’t being quiet with Him? How can He send you if you don’t take the time to hear Him? And how can you serve the way He is calling you to, if you don’t know what your gifts are?

The day you accepted Christ, you were filled with the Holy Spirit. Just like you were born with natural talents and abilities, you are ‘reborn’, as a Christian, with spiritual gifts. It’s exciting to me to think that God would give each of us a ‘spiritual’ gift to serve Him with – so go find out what yours is.

And… if you already know what your gift is, are you  ‘growing’ in that gift? We are at an age where the spiritual temperature is turning up. Christ is coming back, and there is a world out there that needs to know about Him. There are so many distractions in this world to keep us off task, and keep the world from hearing the message of Christ.

So what are you going to do about it?

The important thing? Be available. Talk to Him daily. Get alone with Him and let Him speak to you. He will start revealing things He has for you to do. There may be big things and there may be daily things.  You may need to go on a mission trip, start a Bible study, speak to your neighbor – make a meal for someone (or in my case- by a lasagna for someone)
He may call you to something so exciting your socks fall off.

Just remember – you may not feel like you are ‘equipped’ to do this new thing,,, He just wants you to say ‘ Here am I , send me.’

[1] http://christinecaine.com/index.php