Luke 8:4-15
Last night, I left my phone at work. About half way home I realized this… I told my husband who was driving, and he almost turned around. It took a few seconds to realize it wasn’t going to be worth the trouble, so we went home. As we drove, I actually got excited about the possibility of not having the thing tied to me. I then realized – I would have no phone calls, no texts, no emails, no one demanding my time, no push notifications. I was exhilarated. What could I do with an entire evening free? I remembered Mel Gibson’s great quote – ‘FREEDOM!!!!’ (In a Scottish accent…)
I got home, picked a movie to watch, and something to read - I had 4 hours of free time ahead of me. Just before I settled into my movie, I went to grab my phone to see what time it was. It wasn’t there. Oh yeah I thought, Freedom! I then realized no one could get a hold of me. What if I was needed, what if something wasn’t finished at work? What if someone had a question?
What kind of state do we live in when we are anxious about not having the ability to instantly connect? I worried about someone NOT being able to get a hold of me. Wait. They could get my husband if they wanted me…Good - what about work? It could wait until tomorrow. Ok. How do I set an alarm to get up? What did people do before cell phones? (AARGH)
So what did people do before cell phones? Internet? TV?
Well – they lived. They enjoyed their spouse. They went to the library. They sat outside and talked. I have become so busy, that I don’t even have time to watch the TV show that I DVR’ed.
Isn’t it time to get back to life? I realized I hadn’t even studied lately for a new revelation from God. I used to do that all the time - Study to find out what His word meant – what the original Greek or Hebrew said about His truths. Do I not have time for God’s truth? Do I not have time to join with the One who made the Heavens and the Earth? No wonder I’m exhausted, depressed and searching. I forgot to go back to the One Who Is. He is my everything, my sustainer, my all. I forgot. How could I? And replace Him with a phone?
Luke 8:14 says ‘The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.’
One of my biggest lessons came from an incredible simulcast I attended in Brooklyn. Luke 8:4-15 was the focus. The emphasis was that the seed was also the word of God. It explains how believers hear the word, and the reasons they lose perspective. I believe verse 18 is an especially troubling truth of our time. The word of God, the promises of God are choked out by life’s worries, riches and pleasures. The result is clear…’They do not mature.’ How sad. It’s a great ploy. Keep believers where they are, comfortable or worried about life’s cares… and suddenly the believer has no impact on the Kingdom. We have lost our impact. Its effect is subtle. We don’t even realize that we aren’t growing, maturing or learning. We are focused on the present and on the circumstances.
I think it’s time to claim our life back. Put down the phone, the computer, the TV. Pick up the Word. Go to the one who holds our hands. He has our circumstances under control. Just go to Him. You don’t need a reason. Seek Him. 'Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you' (James 4:8.)
Let’s see what He has in store. We won’t know until we stop focusing on our plans and start focusing on His. Want an adventure? Just let go! You never know where He is going to take you… It may just be Asheville (or New York…) or England… The sky’s the limit! Or is it????
'For nothing is impossible with God.' (Luke 1:37.)