Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fresh Perspective

Genesis 41:1 ‘Two full years later…’

Has God given you a fresh perspective lately? I’m not talking a new outlook or a new determination… I am talking – perspective.

I have been studying Joseph in Genesis – and God has me right in between Chapters 40 and 41. That may not seem like much… but it’s the two years that span between the time Joseph interprets the dream for the chief cup-bearer and the dreams for Pharaoh. So much changed in that time, but not much happened…

‘What do you mean?’ you ask… Let me tell you.

Joseph is in prison for a crime he did not commit…Before that he was sold into slavery and right before that, Joseph’s brothers had betrayed him, thrown him into a well and told his father he was dead.

Poor, poor Joseph (that’s from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat – for all you musical theater buffs…)

But that really was a long line of tough situations. Have you been there? Walking roads that just don’t seem to end?

Well – as I said – Joseph had been in prison. He had been there a while when he got the opportunity to interpret a dream for the Chief Cup-Bearer and Chief Baker (who were also in prison). Joseph used the opportunity to ask the cup-bearer to remember him when he left the prison. I often wonder if this was a desperate action of a man who had lost hope, and was seeing if man could help him, since God hadn't gotten him out of the situation yet. I’ve been trying to look at this from Joseph’s perspective. He had two dreams at age 17 about his brothers, and parents bowing down to him. Joseph had been waiting a while to see this dream come true… but how in the world could it when he is in prison for a crime he didn't commit? I would say he felt at the end of his rope. He’s using his talents and gifts for God, and he’s succeeding, but he’s still in a prison.

So after his attempt to get the cup-bearer to remember him, it failed. The word tells us that he forgot all about Joseph. So Joseph is back to waiting. Waiting for hope, waiting for change, waiting.

What does God do in the waiting? Sometimes I wonder if He is waiting for us. Waiting for us to realize who is really in control. Waiting for us to let go of the reigns. Waiting for us to realize the best way to the next chapter of life is to let God have ultimate control. Let Him shape, let him lead. See – I have been in that two years. I believe God gave me a moment of an open door, and I didn't like the instructions of how to walk through that door. He gave me clear directions – run and jump on (that moving train I talked about in the last blog.) However, I wanted another way to get onto that train. I tried several options instead of running alongside and jumping. Well – I never got on. And here we are… two full years later – with the same instructions.

What’s difference between now, and two full years ago? My perspective. Why would there be any better way than God’s way?

I needed a little humbling. I needed the last few inches of my stubborn will to finally give and say – Ok Lord… You are God. I am sorry for doing things my way, and just pouting about it. What do you want me to do?

Well – he used a friend to bring back the exact same instructions I received before –  a quick kick in the pants and now- I’m running to jump on the train.

So back to Genesis Chapter 40 - Joseph is in the waiting… Completely forgotten by the cup-bearer.

But that next chapter, chapter 41, it happens.

He gets a call to come interpret a dream. But not just for a cup-bearer. (Don’t we think too small?)
This dream was for Pharaoh himself. God was opening that door.

What changed? You got it. Perspective. We now have a fully compliant, obedient Joseph. The kind of man that is needed to be second in command under Pharaoh. The Joseph from two full years earlier wasn't ready.

This Joseph is.

So I ask. Do you have a fresh perspective?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Have you ever come to the moment where the thing you've been wanting is almost there? That answer to the prayer you have prayed for years - It’s at your fingertips and the only thing holding you back is you?
I had a friend speak truth to me. She said… “God wants you to do this, and I think you are running from it.’
Wow – a lifelong dream – and I am standing in my own way.

The Lord is giving me confirmation through His word - and I bet He is for you too. I love 2 Corinthians 6:2. In this verse, Paul is reminding us about what God had previously done in the time of favor and is saying ‘now’ is the time of favor again. 

2 Corinthians 6:2 (NLT) For God says, "At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." Indeed, the "right time" is now. Today is the day of salvation.

Knowing this is the right time gives us confidence to move into what God is doing.  But if you need an extra little push - like my friend gave me - read this verse in 'the message ' translation.

2 Corinthians 6:2 (MSG) Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late...

Wow - what better way to put it then saying ‘don't put it off.’  God is moving now and we can choose to jump on board or watch the train go by.

I have recently been reading an incredible book about choices in life. Without trying to restate the book- just know that the lead girl is watching a group of brave people travel around - they travel by train- jumping off at their stop and jumping on when leaving; however, the train never stops. They have to run up to speed of the train and then jump on or off while it's moving.

I kind of see this as how we participate in God’s work. It's moving fast and when the time comes for us to join - we must run alongside and jump on. It does require a sense of fearlessness and courage. And sometimes - no looking back.

The question becomes - what do you want to do? Jump on a moving train to the land God is placing before you? Or, do you sit and watch it go by until you are comfortable with jumping on? (Which I don’t know if we’ll ever be comfortable with that…)
I say jump.
What have you go to lose?