Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Just as I am

Today, I was reading Joseph’s picture Bible and I came across the section where Jesus beckons the children to come to him. (Matthew 19:14)  The sweet picture book asked the question, 'If you were going to meet Jesus ‘do you think you’d have to dress up?’  ’ ‘Do you think you have to be on your best behavior?’ ‘Do you think Jesus would ask how good you’ve been before He gave you a hug?’ (https://www.sallylloyd-jones.com/books/jesus-storybook-bible/)

This stopped me. Jesus takes us in as we are. We do not need pretense, the right clothes, the right words – or even the right attitude of waiting until you’re spoken to.
He takes us as we are.

Why do we feel the need to dress up for him, or speak eloquently? Why do people feel like they can’t go to church if they are dressed right, or if they had a bad week? Why do we do this?  Or what if they really screwed up? Do we say to them, ‘No – you have to clean up before you can talk to Jesus’? Do we rebuke them like the disciples rebuked the parents for bringing the children to Jesus? Or de we welcome them into our congregation, or our home, or our small group, just as they are?

I sadly can say I have seen people not welcome others as they are. I can say that I have not been allowed to be in certain places – because I didn’t fit the church status quo. 

I say all this to bring up two points.
1. No one is perfect. I can guarantee we all sin often. So, why do we feel the need to point out the sins of others before they can come in a church?
2. Do we really mean it when we sing 'Just as I am?’ I think we mean it for us in the moment sometimes, but do we mean it for others who don’t ‘fit.’

The Bible tells us – ‘for All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God’ (emphasis mine - Romans 3:23.) I believe this means…none of us can walk into a place looking or acting like a perfect Christian. I do believe that far too often, we put on the Christian mask. We say the right things, we show up at every event. We walk the walk. We wear the right clothes. We also recognize if someone else is not in the ‘club.’ 
In the midst of all that doing, are we truly walking with Christ? Are we walking in His word? Are we living the words we are reading?
If all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, do we have the right to pick on certain sins before we let someone in to see Jesus?
For God so loved the World that He gave his only begotten son that whosever believes should have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
This doesn’t say, after you stop sinning, God loves you. This doesn’t say, make sure you point out sins and then bring them to God.

I have seen my nieces innocently invite people to church. They believe all should meet Jesus. They have a faith that believes everyone can come to Jesus.

Isn’t it time we do the same? I am tired of acting like I think I am supposed to act.

I am tired of trying to figure out what the right thing to do is.

I love Jesus. I know Him by spending time with him.
My goal is for people to get to know Jesus. Just as they are.
He can take care of the rest. 

I believe that’s why He ended this section of the Bible with ‘Luke 18: '17Truly I tell you, if anyone does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child, he will never enter it.”…
Faith like a child. Let’s pray for that. Let's live like that. Let's love like that. Who knows what God can do through a heart that loves as He does.